
Mostrando postagens de junho, 2014

#5 Valiant Hearts: The Great War - Paris, Can Can de Taxi e Marne [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#4 Valiant Hearts: The Great War - Reims [Chapter 1 Ends] [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#3 Valiant Hearts: The Great War - Neuville Saint Vaast [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#2 Valiant Hearts: The Great War - Ypres e Perigo Vindo de Cima

#1 Valiant Hearts: The Great War - Quartel, Batalha de Marne e Neuve Chapelle

Bonus #4 Watch_Dogs - Ctrl, Alt, Delete e Desligar [Contrato Exclusivo] [Gameplay/Walkghtough]

Bonus #3 Watch_Dogs - Tiro de Assinatura [Contrato Exclusivo] [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

Bonus #2 Watch_Dogs - Descoberta [Contrato Exclusivo] [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

Bonus #1 Watch_Dogs - O Palácio [Contrato Exclusivo] [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#20 Watch_Dogs - As Vezes Se Perde Mesmo Assim [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#19 Watch_Dogs - Não Há Como Voltar Atrás [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#18 Watch_Dogs - Irmãzinha [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#17 Watch_Dogs - Em Plena Vista [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#16 Watch_Dogs - A Qualquer Custo [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#15 Watch_Dogs - Força Imparável [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#14 Watch_Dogs - A Esperança É Algo Triste [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#13 Watch_Dogs - Armando Um Bug [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#12 Watch_Dogs - Modelo Exemplar [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#11 Watch_Dogs - Olhe Para O Abismo [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#10 Watch_Dogs - Não É Um Trabalho Para Tyrone [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#9 Watch_Dogs - Um Espaço Em Branco Por Ali [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#8 Watch_Dogs - Com O Pé Na Cova [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#7 Watch_Dogs - Coisas Frágeis [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#6 Watch_Dogs - Aguente Firme, Garoto [Gameplay/Walkthrough]