
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2017

#21 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Orações aos Mortos [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#20 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Eleseer [GameplayWalkthrough]

#18 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Quarentena [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#20 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Através da Água [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#19 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Eye of Helios [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#17 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Lunar Launching Station [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#19 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Rostos na Multidão [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#16 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Veins of Helios [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#18 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Perto do Limite [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#17 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Crime e Castigo [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#15 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Professor Nakayama [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#16 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Intervenção Divina [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#14 Borderlands: The Pre Sequel - Research and Development [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#15 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Tiros Disparados [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#13 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Sub-Level 13 [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#14 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Construir para o Futuro [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#11 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Amor Cruel [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#13 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Hospitalidade Sulista [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#12 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Titan Indrustrial Facility [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#10 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Pickles [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#12 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Na Cidade [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#10 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Avançando [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#9 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - O Tesouro do ECHO Mãe [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#11 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Dura Justiça [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#8 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Pity's Fall [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#7 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Outlands Spur [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#9 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - De Novo na Estrada [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#6 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Outlands Canyon [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#8 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Inimigo aos Portões [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#6 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Ao Resgate [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#5 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Stanton's Liver [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#7 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Negócio Sangrento [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#5 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Um Difícil Adeus [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#4 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Crisis Scar [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#4 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - O Ruir de um Trato [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#3 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Triton Flats [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#2 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Concordia [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#1 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Bem Vindo à Elpis [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#3 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - A Comando Dela [Gameplay/Walkthrough]

#2 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Convidados Inesperados [Gameplay/Walkthrough]]